the circle and the line


A small and spacious primer in words and images.

This 4X6 exquisitely printed book is a beautiful and simple interpretation of divinity and discernment, as told through the shapes of the circle and the line.

Called “small and mighty,” a “little jewel” and “a daily prayer.” The concept for this book took more than 5 years from inception to creation, through many iterations and a process of “unwriting.”

The Circle and The Line offers language to speak to being and doing; to the grace and the intention that exist in tandem in our human lives.

The Circle and The Line pairs deliberately sparse text with black and white images shot while finding solace in the natural world, all over the continental US.

Printed on high quality uncoated vellum paper with a matte finish and heavy textured cover by Edition One books in Berkeley, California.

Design by Liz Kalloch

10% of proceeds will be donated to the Loveland Foundation.


Author: Lisa Field

Pages: 72

Publication date: November 12, 2020

Price: $12.00 (US)

Type: Softcover

Shipping weight: 2.8 oz

ISBN: 978-0-578-75426-0

Language: English

Product dimensions: 4 inches by 6 inches

“The Circle and the Line is an examination and expression of both self-ness and divinity, words shaping the figurative circle of our inner being, and exploring the line between self and interbeing. And much more in the depths and margins, on the perimeters, and edges, in the alls-and-everythings, and the here-to-theres.

Slender and lovely, it is pure joy to hold - in itself, a quite humble, beautiful, considered object, which also contains Lisa’s intimate photos. It is one of those books you can set out somewhere and let it call to you to open. And when you do, read the whole book through, or choose any page, and receive a meditation.

I hope you will consider giving yourself or someone you love this gift! It is written with such economy and deliberateness, quiet intention and space for our own large and small truths. I just love this small marvel!”

—Patti Pagliei, founder and creative director of Waxing Poetic


Last Cut

Written by Samantha Paige | Photography by Lisa Field


Author: Samantha Paige
Photography: Lisa Field
Publication date: September 17, 2019
Pages: 262
Type: Softcover
Price: $28.95 (US)